
Policy Updates

Policy Update
November 16, 2023
Dear User,
Thank you for choosing STEPIN!
Please kindly be aware that due to the service expansion of STEPIN, changes are made to STEPIN Terms & Conditions and the updated Policies will be effective from Nov 24, 2023.
The amendments are stated in the below section and please note that if you continue to use STEPIN after the effective date of changes, it indicates you accept the amended Terms & Conditions.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiries.
Thank you very much!
STEPIN을 이용해주셔서 감사합니다.
STEPIN 서비스 확장으로 본 앱의 약관이 개정될 예정이며, 개정된 약관은 2023년 11월 24일부터 적용됩니다. 변경된 약관 내용을 확인하신 후 동의 또는 거부 의사표시를 하지 않으시는 경우, 변경 사항에 동의하신 것으로 간주됩니다.
문의사항이 있으시면 언제든지 저희에게 연락해 주십시오.
The following are amendments to STEPIN Policies, which will become effective from November 24, 2023.
다음은 2023년 11월 24일부터 적용될 STEPIN 정책의 개정 사항입니다.
Additional terms to STEPIN End User License Agreement (English version)
13 For Residents of Japan
For Services offered in Japan, only virtual goods labeled as “Prepaid Payment Instruments” in Section 10 of STEPIN’s Virtual Goods Policy named “Notations Based on The Act on Specified Commercial Transactions” will be classified as “Prepaid Payment Instruments” under the Payment Services Act in Japan. All other virtual goods or items obtained through exchange of “Prepaid Payment Instruments” will not be considered as “Prepaid Payment Instruments” under the Payment Services Act. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, no refunds or exchanges will be provided for any “Prepaid Payment Instruments”.
14 For Residents of Republic of Indonesia
In the event of any account suspension or termination of STEPIN's Terms & Conditions, you agree to waive and forgo any rights and obligations under any applicable laws. This includes situations that require a judicial pronouncement for the termination of this Service.
Additional terms to Privacy Policy (English version)
3. For Nevada Residents
Nevada residents have the option to request not to have their personal information sold. To exercise this right, you can send an email to However, please note that we currently do not engage in the sale of data that would trigger this opt-out process.
4. For Residents in Japan
This additional clause is an extension of this Privacy Policy and applies exclusively to users residing in Japan. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the collection and handling of your personal information, you have the right to contact our Privacy Officer at
A. Sensitive Information
We do not gather or share, without your explicit consent, any "sensitive personal information" about you. “Sensitive personal information” encompasses details such as religion, race, criminal record, medical history, social standing, experiences of harm, physical, intellectual, or mental impairments, outcomes of medical assessments or evaluations, counseling for mental and physical well-being, healthcare and prescriptions, criminal cases like arrests, searches, seizures, detentions, initiation of legal action, inquiries, as well as observations and protection measures, hearings and verdicts, protective actions, or other activities related to the safeguarding of minors.
B. International Transfer
By accessing and using our Service or providing any information, you consent to the transfer, processing, use, share, and storage of information about you with third parties or in other jurisdictions. Following *Section 3 - Sharing of Information*, your data may be transferred to, processed, stored, and utilized by parties located outside Japan, including Korea, Singapore, and the United States.
If the country to which your data is being transferred has a personal information protection system that differs from the standards set by Japan's Personal Information Protection Commission, we will endeavor to implement suitable measures to safeguard your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws. If you do not agree to the transfer, processing, utilizing, sharing, and storage of information about you by such third parties in other jurisdictions, please refrain from using our Service or providing information related to you.
5. For Residents of Taiwan (R.O.C.)
This supplementary section is specifically applicable to users who are residing in Taiwan (R.O.C.) or data subjects as defined according to Taiwan law.
A. Your Data Subject Rights
Taiwan’s Personal Data Protection Act grants the following rights to Taiwan residents and data subjects in Taiwan:
Right to enquire about and review your personal data;
Right to request a copy of your personal data;
Right to amend or supplement your personal data;
Right to demand the termination of the collection, processing, or use of your personal data; and
Right to remove your personal data.
Should you require access to your personal data, fees may be applied. To exercise any of these rights, please submit your request to
B. Retention Period of Your Personal Data
The collected personal data is handled and processed in compliance with the guidelines of this Privacy Policy. The processing duration is determined by the necessity to fulfill the objectives specified in the 2 Purpose of Personal Data Collection section.
C. Region in which Your Personal Data will be Utilized
The collected personal data is handled and processed in compliance with the guidelines of this Privacy Policy in the regions where the entities mentioned in 3 Sharing of Information and 4 International Data Transfers operate and other territories essential to achieving the purposes outlined in the 2 Purpose of Personal Data Collection section.
D. Results of Not Providing Your Personal Data
If you decide not to share your personal data with us, you may face restrictions in using part of or the entire Platform. Furthermore, you may be ineligible to receive or utilize some or all of the products, services or promotional offers extended through the Platform.
Additional terms to Virtual Goods Policy (English version)
10 For Residents of Japan
This section only applies if you are a resident of Japan.
10.1 Display Based on the Payment Services Act
Issuer of prepaid payment instrument
Sidewalk Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Amount payable, etc.
There is no maximum limit.
Validity Period and Expiry
Please refer to STEPIN Terms & Conditions.
Contact Information
Sidewalk Entertainment Co., Ltd., 1004 R&D Tower, 396 World Cup buk-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Location of use
‘STEPIN’ app distributed and owned by Sidewalk Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Usage notes
Only those who have agreed to STEPIN Terms & Conditions can purchase Energy. Except required by applicable law, Energies are non-refundable. Please check the Virtual Goods Policy for additional details.
Method to check the unused balance
Unused balance can be checked after logging into the STEPIN app.
Issuance Guarantee Deposit for Prepaid Payment Methods
In compliance with the Payment Services Act, the Company protects the assets entrusted by users by depositing an amount equal to or greater than half (not necessarily the full balance) of the unused funds on specific reference dates, which occur annually at the end of March and the end of September.      This practice applies to all prepaid payment methods issued by our company. Should our company encounter insolvency or similar situations, users who possess prepaid payment methods from our company hold the right to receive preferential settlement. This right pertains to claims associated with those prepaid payment methods and is facilitated through the issuance guarantee deposit mentioned above.       As per the Payment Services Act, the Company is not presently engaged in the preservation of security deposits for issuance. This is due to the fact that the unused balance on the base date, which includes the unused balance at the two annual reference dates (the end of March and the end of September), does not surpass the base amount set forth by Cabinet Order. The specified base amount is 10 million yen, as outlined in Article 6 of the Order for Enforcement of the Payment Services Act.
Policy Regarding Prepaid Payment Instruments
For losses (including losses incurred by persons other than users) resulting from the unauthorized use of prepaid payment instruments issued by the Company and transactions carried out by individuals without proper authorization and against the user's intent, the Company will not be liable unless required by applicable law, or unless the loss is caused by the Company's intentional or gross negligence.   For inquiries regarding unauthorized use, please contact us using the contact information provided above.
Terms of Use
Please check here for the terms of use.
10.2 Notations Based on The Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
Distributor Name
Sidewalk Entertainment Co., Ltd.
1004 R&D Tower, 396 World Cup buk-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Contact Information
Name of Representative
Kibong Kook
Selling Price
Please refer to the product purchase screen in STEPIN.
Costs in Additional to the Selling Price
Users are responsible for internet connection charges, communication charges, and any other fees associated with downloading, accessing, using, and viewing the app, as well as any taxes incurred in any purchases.
Payment method
STEPIN’s virtual goods must be purchased using one of the in-app payment methods offered by the respective App Marketplaces listed below:   • Apple Pay (credit card registered in the user's Apple account and other payment methods specified by Apple Inc.)   • Google (credit card registered in the user's Google account and other payment methods recognized by Google Inc.)
Product Delivery Time
Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the purchased product is provided and can be used immediately upon payment completion.
Refunds and Cancellations of Purchase
No refunds or exchanges for any unused virtual goods are permitted once a purchase is made. All purchases of virtual goods made through the app are final and non-refundable unless otherwise required by applicable law.
Changes to End User License Agreement (Republic of Korea)
STEPIN 서비스 이용약관 (대한민국 거주자 적용) 개정 항목
제6조 약관의 변경
당사는 본 플랫폼의 성능을 갱신하는 경우 또는 규제가 변경되는 경우 등에 본 약관을 변경할 수 있습니다. 그러한 경우에는 적용일자, 개정내용, 개정사유 등을 명시하여 최소한 7일 이전부터 그 적용일자가 경과 후 상당한 기간이 경과할 때까지 본 서비스를 통해 이용자에게 공지합니다. 변경된 약관은 공지한 시행일로부터 효력이 발생합니다.
당사가 본 약관을 변경할 경우에는 관련 내용 공지 시 이용자의 동의 또는 거부에 대한 의사표시를 하지 않으면 동의한 것으로 간주하겠다는 내용도 함께 공지한 경우에는 이용자가 개정약관 적용일까지 거부의사를 표시하지 않는다면 개정약관에 동의한 것으로 볼 수 있습니다.
이용자는 개정약관에 대해 거부할 권리가 있습니다. 약관변경에 대해 이의가 있는 경우, 본 플랫폼 이용을 중단하거나 회원탈퇴를 할 수 있습니다. 개정약관의 적용일 후에도 본 플랫폼을 지속적으로 사용하는 경우 변경된 약관에 동의한 것으로 간주됩니다.