
Add or Remove Business Account Members

You may add members to your business account for better management of your tournaments, content and account.
Members of your business account are authorized to:
Edit the business account profile;
Create and open tournaments;
Invite or remove users from tournaments;
Remove tournament content.
Users being added to a business account must meet the below requirements:
Must be 18 years old or above.
Must consent to STEPIN’s Cash Tournament Agreement.
To manage your business account, follow the below instructions:
Tap and hold your profile picture for 3 seconds, tap Manage Business Account.
To add a member, tap Add.
Search for the user’s ID or Nickname.
Tap the invite button next to the ID or Nickname of the user you wish to add.
To remove a member, tap Member.
Search for the user’s ID or Nickname.
Tap the remove button next to the ID or Nickname of the user you wish to delete.
Tap Remove in the pop-up to confirm.