
2024-07-09 Cash Tournament Agreement

STEPIN Tournament ("Tournament") is a feature and service of STEPIN (“Platform” or “App”), Tournament Website and other services owned and provided by Sidewalk Entertainment Inc. ("Company", “We” or “Us”).
This Cash Tournament Agreement(“Agreement”) serve as the fundamental set of regulations for all aspects of Cash Tournament and apply to all users ("User” or “You”), organizers ("organizer”), other stakeholders, and all parties participating in Cash tournaments. Participating in, organizing, or involving in Cash Tournament implies full agreement with the Company’s final decisions on all matters related to these Terms, STEPIN Tournament Regulations, and related issues.
For residents of the Republic of Korea, please refer to the Cash Tournament Agreement – Republic of Korea.

1 General Provisions

1.1 Glossary of Terms

Below are the definitions of the terms used in these Rules:
“You” and “User” refers to an individual or party who has acknowledged and agreed to this Agreement and been granted access to this Platform.
"Participant" refers to a user who participates in either a general or a Cash tournament.
"Organizer" refers to a user of a casual tournament account or a business account who hosts a casual or cash tournament. The organizer has the right to set the type, schedule, title, image, announcements, number of rounds, prizes, or rewards for the tournament.
“Tournament Ticket” indicates an item required to create a Cash tournament with rounds of 128/256/512/1024.
"Business Account" refers to an account that can only be registered through the Tournament Webpage and can host both casual and cash tournaments.
"Casual Tournament" refers to a tournament created without the use of any items, where participation fees are paid with diamonds.
"Cash Tournament" refers to a tournament created by a business account for free or with a tournament ticket, where participation fees are not required.
"Diamond" refers to a virtual token that can be purchased via App Marketplaces or third-party payment platform. It is a virtual payment method in the form of electronic token issued by the Company for purchasing, using and exchanging items within the Platform. Additionally, users can obtain diamonds for free through events or methods permitted by the Company.
“Participation fee” refers to the virtual goods participants are required to pay to participate in a tournament and is settled with diamonds.
“Prize” refers to the prize money, virtual goods, items and products awarded to tournament winners.
“App Marketplace” means an online platform which users can access to download the App and make in-app purchases on, examples include Google Play Store and Apple App Store etc.
“Third-party payment platform" refers to the third-party payment service provider designated by the Company.

1.2 App Version

All users must install the latest version of the STEPIN app from the app marketplace to access the tournament feature of STEPIN.

1.3 Effectiveness and Modifications of the Policy

These Rules shall take effect upon their publication on the Platform, STEPIN’s Homepage (, and/or the Tournament Website. The Company reserves the right to amend this Policy at any time based on reasonable judgment or logical reasons.
In the event of any changes to this Policy, the Company will notify all users of the revised content and effective date through the Platform, Website, and/or other appropriate methods and channels.

2 Business Account

Business account owners can host both general and Cash tournaments. Please consider the following conditions regarding the application, utilization, and entitlements associated with a business account.

2.1 Account Registration

Creating a business account requires adherence to the following conditions and procedures:
Must be registered exclusively using your STEPIN account.
The applicant must be at least 18 years old or the adult age in their country of residence.
Submission of business registration certificate is required, and all information provided during registration must be truthful and complete. Should inaccurate or false information be provided, you will be liable for any financial losses and legal consequences. It is crucial to accurately and promptly update account information.
The Company will evaluate the submitted information and documents to determine the approval of registration, and the decision will be communicated via the provided contact details. Please note that this process might take up to 5 business days, during which the Company may request additional information or documents from you.

2.2 Account Security

You are responsible for keeping your account password confidential and not sharing it with any third parties. Should you suspect or become aware of unauthorized access to your account password by a third party, it is essential to change your password immediately and notify us at

2.3 Account Management

The owner of the STEPIN account used for business account registration automatically becomes the primary administrator.
Primary administrators can set up and open tournaments, invite and remove tournament participants, accept and decline participation requests.
For account management, a primary administrator holds the right to add, remove and change the roles of general administrators. General administrators added must be at least 18 years old and agree to this Agreement in order to access and use the business account. Should the added user decline to accept the Agreement, their access and use of the designated business account will be refused.

2.4 General Administrator

General administrators are authorized to set up and open tournaments, invite and remove tournament participants, accept and decline participation requests.
General administrators do not have the authority to add, delete or modify administrator roles within the business account.

2.5 Account Withdrawal

Only the primary administrator has the authority to withdraw a business account. However, in case there are tournaments are opened or ongoing under the account, account withdrawal can only be proceed following the completion of these tournaments.
Upon withdrawal, the account will be permanently deleted and cannot be reinstated. Please be aware that all data, profile and published content associated with the account cannot be retrieved.

3 Participant Conditions and Rules

All users participating in Cash tournaments must meet the following conditions:
Participants must submit their legal name, date of birth, nationality, contact information, email address, and any other required details. Submission of misleading or false information may result in disqualification from the cash tournament and/or forfeiture of prize eligibility.
Participants must be at least eighteen (18) years old or the legal age to collect prize money in their country/territory of residence, before the official start date of the tournament.
Parental or legal guardian permission is required for participants under eighteen (18) years old or the legal age to collect prize money in their country/territory of residence. In such cases, STEPIN's Minor Tournament Participation Consent Form, must be properly completed and submitted.
All participants must promptly submit proof of identity or residency documentation when requested by the Company.
Participants must reside in the country or region specified for the cash tournament.
The Company reserves the right to assess or revoke participants' eligibility at its sole and unrestricted discretion whenever necessary.
For prize awards, participants must consent to the Company transmitting, providing, or transferring personal information (such as name, nationality, contact details, and email address, etc.) to the cash tournament organizers.
Participants must carefully review and acknowledge the organizer's specified notices prior to participation.
Personal Information
For the distribution of prizes and awards, the Company shares winners’ personal information, including names, contact details, and email addresses submitted upon participation, with the organizer.
Upon completion of the cash tournament, the organizer reserves the right to withhold prize distribution until the participant’s eligibility and identity verification are complete. If a winner fails to provide the requested proof, the organizer may request the Company to revoke the participant’s eligibility for the cash tournament winnings.
Participation in Private Tournaments
In private tournaments, once a participant's application is accepted, cancellation of participation and refund of the entry fee are not possible. Refunds are only available under the following circumstances: (1) The participant cancels their application before its acceptance. (2) The organizer rejects the participant's application.
Impersonation Prohibited
All participants must only use their own STEPIN accounts. Using accounts belonging to others or encouraging such behavior is strictly prohibited. Participants found engaging in such actions will lose their eligibility to participate in the tournament, and service restrictions may be imposed on their associated user accounts.
Technical and Device Issues If a participant's video is partially or fully mis-captured, omitted, or mis-delivered due to mechanical or electronic issues related to the participant's device, equipment, or network connection, this may result in the participant's disqualification of the tournament round or match.

4 Commercial Tournament Structure & Format

4.1 Structure

Can only be created with business accounts.
Number of rounds: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Cash tournaments with rounds of 8–64 can be created without a tournament ticket.
Cash tournaments with rounds of 128–1024 can only be created with the use of a tournament ticket. Tournament tickets are considered used once a tournament is set up and cannot be canceled or refunded under any circumstances.
Participation fee is 30 Diamonds.
Prize money or rewards for 1st to 4th place winners are designated and provided by the organizer.

4.2 Stages

Casual and cash tournaments are divided into the following stages:
Setup: In the setup stage, the organizer can select and configure the tournament’s type, schedule, number of rounds, privacy, entry fee, title, announcements, etc.
Open: Once a tournament is set up, the host can open the tournament for users to participate in or apply for participation. Depending on the tournament settings, a tournament ticket may be required to open the tournament. Once a ticket is used for opening, it cannot be canceled or refunded. After the tournament is opened, no information about the tournament can be modified.
Live: The tournament commences according to the schedule set by the host, and the tournament is considered live from that point until it ends. When the tournament is live, participants can enter and participate in it, and winners are determined during this stage.
Done: This stage refers to the completion of the tournament.

4.3 Format

The tournament proceeds in a 1v1 single-elimination format, based on the rounds and dances selected by the organizer.
Participants are randomly distributed in the tournament bracket.
Each round consists of multiple matches:
Round of 8 to Final: A total of five matches are played, and the participant with the higher score in three matches wins and advances to the next round.
Round of 16 to 1024: A total of three matches are played, and the participant with the higher score in two matches wins and advances to the next round.

5 Tournament Set-up and Management

5.1 Tournament Ticket

The tournament ticket is an essential item for the set-up of cash tournaments and can be purchased through the app market or third-party payment services authorized by the Company.
Tournament tickets are available for rounds of 256, 512, and 1024, determining the number of rounds in a Cash tournament based on the ticket used.
Tournament tickets are considered used once a tournament is set up and cannot be cancelled or refunded under any circumstances.
Tournament tickets owned by a business account can be used by all administrators of the account.

5.2 Tournament Set-up

The organizer is required to set and submit the cash tournament's title, banner, poster, images, schedule, country, and privacy settings.
The start time can be selected at least one hour to 120 days from the time of creation.
Only users who meet the cash tournament’s country requirement may participate.
Public Tournament - Open to all users to participate.
Private Tournament All users can apply to participate, but their participation is confirmed at the organizer's discretion.
Images and website links submitted as cash tournament content must adhere to this Agreement, and no content can be altered after submission.
Organizers must submit images and website links to be displayed with the cash tournament content according to specified regulations, and these cannot be changed once submitted.
During the cash tournament set-up, organizers must precisely outline the prize details for 1st to 4th place winners, specifying the currency, amount, prize name, and value. Organizers bear all losses and legal liabilities if any inaccurate or false information is provided.
Organizers must accurately deliver and ship the designated prizes or awards to the winners as specified.
Unless otherwise specified in these Terms or cash tournament details, the winner is responsible for covering all costs associated with receiving the prize, including but not limited to any federal, state, local taxes, and international duties.
When organizing a cash tournament, all content such as images, announcements, texts, and uploads presented, configured, submitted, or uploaded must comply with the STEPIN’s Community Guidelines and Terms, and must not infringe upon intellectual property rights. The Company reserves the right to modify or remove any content submitted by the organizer if it violates the Platform's terms or intellectual property rights, at its sole discretion, and may impose service restrictions or sanctions on the related accounts.

5.3 Tournament Cancellation

After setting up and submitting a cash tournament, organizers are unable to make changes, delete, or cancel the cash tournament or any related details.

6 Prohibited Conducts

All tournament participants and organizers have the obligation to comply with these regulations. If any of these regulations are breached, we may impose service restrictions, sanctions or account suspensions to the involved user accounts.

6.1 Intention Irrelevant

Unless explicitly stated, any violations of these regulations may be subject to penalties irrespective of intent. Attempts to breach these regulations are also punishable.

6.2 Tournament Conduct

The following actions may be considered as unfair play at the Company’s discretion and could result in penalties:
Collusion: This refers to cooperation or conspiracy to deceive or mislead others, which can potentially occur between participants, teams and/or organizations, examples include:
Acting dishonestly, disregarding reasonable competitive standards by participants or organizers.
Making prior agreements to distribute prizes and/or other rewards with other participants or organizers.
Exchanging signals via electronic devices or other methods between external parties and participants or organizers.
Intentionally losing the tournament or enticing other participants do so for rewards or alternative reasons.
Match-fixing: Any acts of agreeing, proposing, conspiring, or attempting to influence the tournament’s outcome, using means prohibited by law or these regulations.
Fair Competition: Participants are expected to exert their utmost effort in every round while adhering to principles of sportsmanship, honesty, and fair play.
Hacking: Tampering with devices, services, internet connections or the tournament in any manner.
Scripting: Utilizing third-party software or applications to influence the internal servers of this Platform.
Exploiting Bugs: Deliberately exploiting bugs, identified issues or malfunctioning features to gain advantage.
Impersonation: Participating in a tournament with another user’s account or encouraging or persuading others to participate in a tournament using someone else's account.
Misconduct: Using devices, programs or taking actions for any means of misconduct. Rule Violation: Violating or failing to comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the Company for fair conduct of the tournament.

6.3 Conduct Towards Others

Profanity and Discriminatory Speech: Participants or organizers must not use language or expressions that incite discomfort, are vulgar, insulting, threatening, violent, defamatory, derogatory, demeaning, or otherwise offensive; or promote hatred or discrimination.
Violent Behavior: Violent behavior towards other participants or organizers is strictly prohibited. Participants and any invited spectators (if present) must respect all individuals participating in the matches.
Participant Behavior: All participants’ behavior is being monitored and reviewed during their use of the Platform and participation in tournaments. Participants are expected to behave appropriately on this platform, and actions such as using profanity, racial discrimination, aggressive language, or behavior that causes harm to other participants intentionally are prohibited.
Harassment: Harassment is strictly prohibited. Harassment includes systematic and hostile repeated actions over a prolonged period, or a single serious incident aimed at isolating or rejecting others or undermining their dignity.
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. Sexual harassment refers to unwanted sexual advances toward another party. Any behavior determined to be offensive or humiliating when viewed from a sexual perspective are considered as sexual harassment.
Discrimination and Defamation: Participants must not insult the dignity or integrity of a nation, individual, or group through contemptuous, discriminatory, or offensive remarks based on race, skin color, ethnicity, national origin or social status, gender, language, religion, political views, or any other beliefs, financial status, birth, or any other status, sexual orientation, or for any other grounds.
Remarks Regarding the Company and Organizers: Participants must refrain from making statements or engaging in conduct that could harm or adversely impact the company, organizers, their affiliates, related businesses, organizations, or individuals, as determined solely at the absolute discretion of the Company.

6.4 Other Prohibited Actions 

Identity Verification: Participants are prohibited from covering their faces or attempting to conceal their identity from us or the organizer. We must always be able to distinguish each participant's identity, and participants may be instructed to remove any material that obstructs identity verification or causes confusion to other participants or us. This term may be exempted for certain users due to religious reasons.
Immoral Conduct: Participants must not engage in any behavior considered immoral, dishonorable, or contrary to traditional standards of proper ethical conduct.
Confidentiality: Participants must not disclose any confidential information provided by us or the tournament organizers through any means of communication, including all social media channels.
Offering Bribes: Participants are prohibited from offering or promising gifts, money, or rewards to any other participant, our staff, the organizer, or anyone associated with them, in exchange for causing or attempting to cause the defeat of an opponent.
Accepting Bribes: No participant may accept gifts, money, or rewards in exchange for services intended to cause the defeat of another participant, forfeiting a tournament or round, match-fixing, or any related service, promised or executed, in connection with a specific tournament on this platform.

6.5 Betting and Gambling

All forms of direct or indirect betting or gambling on any tournaments within this platform are prohibited. Additionally, participants must not provide inside information, influence, or participate in betting or gambling in any way, either directly or indirectly.

7 Sanctions for Misconduct

If a user is suspected of violating any of these regulations, we may, at our sole discretion, disqualify the participant at any time during or after the tournament and may delete or suspend the tournament.
Additionally, participants or organizers found to have violated the regulations may be subject to the following penalties:
Cancellation of the tournament
Forfeiture of the tournament
Forfeiture of the round
Disqualification from the tournament
Confiscation of winning items, prizes, and rewards
Prohibition from participating in other tournaments
Service restrictions
Account suspension

8 Awards

8.1 Prize Specification

When setting up a cash tournament, the organizer has to select the total prize amount and indicate the distribution of prize amount or the 1st to 4th place winners.
The organizer is required to pay the chosen prize amount. Failing to pay the prize or providing false information will make the organizer liable for all financial losses and legal consequences. This may lead to restrictions or sanctions on their business account.

8.2 Prize Distribution and Collection

Organizer Responsibilities
For the purpose of prize distribution, after the cash tournament concludes, the Company shares winners’ personal information, including names, contact details, and email addresses submitted upon participation, with the organizer.
The identity verification process for winners is solely at the discretion of the organizer, who must then proceed to distribute the prize. However, the organizer can withhold the prizes until the participant’s eligibility and identity are verified. If the identity verification has failed or cannot be completed, the organizer must notify us immediately, and the participant’s winning status could be revoked.
The organizer must maintain evidence of the prize distribution, such as payment records and delivery proof, and provide this information anytime to our request.
In case a participant’s winning status is revoked, the prize may be awarded to the next eligible participant upon the decision of the Company and organizer. A maximum of tour substitute winners can be selected, and if none of the selected winners meet the eligibility requirements, the prize will be handled at the organizer’s discretion.
Except as specified in these Terms or the cash tournament notice, winners are responsible for all costs not included in the price - including federal, state, and local taxes, international duties, and any costs related to receiving the prize.
In any situations the organizer does not possess and cannot provide the prize, they retain the right to alter the offered prize.
Winner Responsibilities
Winners must agree and adhere to these terms to receive the prize. Should a potential winner’s eligibility be invalidated, or the prize is confiscated, the Company and organizer reserve the right to grant the prize to the next eligible participant.
A maximum of four substitute winners can be selected, and if none of the selected winners meet the eligibility requirements, the prize will be handled at the organizer’s discretion.

9 License and Usage of Tournament Content

By participating in the cash tournament, you grant us a non-exclusive, complete, and free license for the content, and we have the right to transfer or issue a sublicense for it.
With your participation in the cash tournament, you also agree that the content generated from the cash tournament can be used on this Platform, the Company’s or organizer’s social media accounts, promotional emails, advertisements or other marketing, promotional, advertising activities and materials.
The Company can modify the exposure period and schedule of content derived from the cash tournament, at its sole discretion.
The Company holds exclusive right to delete content which violates STEPIN’s Terms or due to technical issues.
All organizers must comply with STEPIN’s Casual Guidelines and all STEPIN Terms, applicable laws and regulations when using participants’ content. If these rules are breached, at its sole discretion, the Company may impose service restrictions or sanctions on the organizer’s account, and/or take necessary legal action.
If a participant's video is partially or fully mis-captured, omitted, or mis-delivered due to mechanical or electronic issues related to the participant's device, equipment, or network connection, this may prevent it from being uploaded to the platform. In such cases, the organizer holds no right to request video recovery or any form of compensation from the Company.

10 Input Errors and Irretrievable Entries

The Company and organizers are not responsible for any lost, delayed, incomplete, damaged, stolen, invalid, illegible, or misdirected registrations, and such entries will be disqualified.
The Company and organizers are not responsible for (1) failures of networks, servers, internet, websites, telephones, satellites, computers, or other connections, (2) malfunctions of terminals, satellites, hardware, software, or other equipment, (3) confusion, misrouting, or excessive traffic, (4) human, technical, mechanical, or electronic errors, or (5) inaccuracies, incorrect captures, or omissions of entries or other information, or any other issues that may lead to the unavailability or interruption of services or devices related to the tournament.
All submitted materials and registration information are deemed the exclusive property of the company and will not be returned, regardless of whether they were collected.

10 Finality of Decision

The Company holds exclusive authority over determinations concerning participant eligibility, s organization and scheduling, and penalties for misconduct stipulated in these guidelines. The Company’s decisions are conclusive and final. Participants may not dispute these decisions or pursue financial compensation or legal recourse as a result of them.